Crystals + Your Skin Care Routine - Unearthed Crystals

Crystals + Your Skin Care Routine

Maybe it’s just us… but was anyone else working under the assumption that our skin would be the best it’s ever been in isolation?

 Surely there would be a beauty related silver lining to our new “normal”, working from home, less pollution, wearing a lot less makeup, extra time in the morning to commit to a regular skin care regimen.

 Spoiler alert:  these conditions are not necessarily conducive to your best skin ever.


“Isolation skin” is a thing and not, as we may have thought, a positive one.

 We may feel like we’re putting less stress on our skin right now, but all the internal stresses and anxieties were facing from the impact of our daily routines, eating habits, work, finances, relationships and basic survival are affecting our skin’s health too.

But now *is* a great time to take a good hard look at our skin care routines and get back to the basics.

 We obviously love incorporating crystals into our day-to-day lives to better our skin and mind. However, getting started can be pretty daunting unless you know what each product does and how to use it. But don't worry, here are our hot tips on how to get back in touch with Mother Earth when it comes to crystals and your beauty regimen…


  1. Crystal Rollers


When used as part of your daily skincare ritual, a facial roller works to stimulate collagen synthesis, minimise fine lines and wrinkles, support lymphatic drainage, reduce pore size, boost elasticity, soothe irritation, minimise puffiness and promote deeper product preparation…  Yikes – trying saying all of that without taking a breath.


Physically, it helps firm the outer layers of the skin through gentle massage. It also aids in detoxing through the lymphatic system, the body’s main major detoxification structure.


Metaphysically, your choice of crystal will depend on what exactly you’re looking for – check out our range and as always, let your intuition lead you, she is rarely wrong.


  1. Facial Serums


Facial Serums: those little vials of skincare wizardry that, with any luck, you haven't mistaken for cough medicine.


Pair your Crystal Roller with our Unearthed Facial Serums and you've got yourself a mini facial massage, making it the perfect way to relax and unwind after a stressful day of working from your home office (which we all know is way too close to the kitchen)!


Serums are like the nutrient-packed shot you add to your morning smoothie, a highly concentrated add-on that promises to get you the results you want from your skincare products more quickly and effectively. 


Unearthed Facial Serums blend organic oils, essential oils, antioxidant-rich flowers, and crystals, which all combine to nourish and soften the skin, reduce redness and scarring and help to minimise fine lines.


Choose from Unearthed’s range of Youth, Resurrection, Habitual or Balance for your best skin yet. Simply cleanse as normal and pply your serum before bed at night and you’ll wake up with skin glowy & hydrated AF.


  1. Bath Salts


Who the hell couldn’t use a relaxing aromatherapy bath right about now?


Our house made bath salts feature a soothing mix of only the finest ingredients; Magnesium Flakes & Himalayan Salt for the body, essential oils, and organic food grade dried flowers & herbs for the soul. 


  1. Crystal Facial Grids


It may sound a little woo-woo, but using crystal facial grids for self-care is another luxurious way to indulge and rejuvenate yourself that, if you’re anything like us, you'll probably love.  This uncomplicated, relaxing healing ritual can take your standard self-care routine to new and magickal level.


If you’re still a little sceptical about putting crystals all over your face in the name of beauty, keep in mind people have incorporated crystals into healing, health and beauty regimens for literally thousands of years.  Reportedly, even the divine Cleopatra used crystal healing (Lepidolite was reportedly her beauty-enhancing stone of choice).


How to:


Choose your crystals from our recommendations below (or via your own intuition!), lay down comfortably on your back in a quiet place where you won't be disturbed

and carefully place them on your face. 


Activate your grid with a Quartz crystal point, drawing lines between the stones like you’re connecting the dots.  Lay with your crystal facial grid in place for at least five to ten minutes, focusing on self-love and relaxation.  Make a conscious effort to relax the muscles in your face and let tension dissolve. 


Then reap the benefits and tell everyone you woke up like this.


Don’t forget to charge your crystals in the sun for at least four hours before using them for any other grid or healing work.  Those babies have probably been working real hard.


  1. Crystals for Beauty and Skin Care


Amethyst for clearing your mind and naturally relieving stress

Lepidolite for beauty

Blue Lace Agate for calming and soothing energies

Shungite for detoxification and purification

Clear Quartz for clarity and clearing the skin

Black Tourmaline for breaking up any tension and energy blocks in your face

Fluorite for relaxation and peace

Celestite for stress and anxiety relief

Rose Quartz for self-love and beauty

Aquamarine for youthfulness and anti-aging

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