serenity | clarity | growth
CHAKRA: throat
SIGNS: Pisces, aries
ELEMENT: water
PLANET: Saturn
COLOUR: Pale minty blue to bright blue
AFFIRMATION: “I boldly speak my truth with confidence.”
BEST FOR: sharpens perception and intuition. Helps you to communicate clearly and effectively with confidence
ORIGINS: Brazil, Nigeria, Madagascar, Zambia, Pakistan
“We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch – we are going back from whence we came.”
-- JFK
Sometimes in the waves of change, we find our true direction. If you’re drawn to the icy blue energy of Aquamarine, it could be a sign that you’re actually a mermaid… or if you’ve checked for a clamshell bra and tail and found neither, maybe you just need a good dose of Vitamin ‘Sea’ and the regenerative healing properties of water.
Aquamarine is your cold shower wake up call, an icy splash of water to the face, it is said to assist with quick intellectual response and can bring inner peace, hope and self-love. Wear it over your heart to shield your aura, undo destructive patterns and encourage the presence of angels for guidance and protection.
Like a deep pool desert oasis, the Aquamarine crystal has powerful anti-inflammatory properties for both the mind and spirit. If you find something burning you up inside, soothing Aquamarine will help you cool off, dispelling anger and fear and calming frayed nerves.
A powerful aid in meditation, Aquamarine can also restore the vibrancy and beauty of youth with its H20 based anti-aging properties. To release the healing powers of Aquamarine, rejuvenate your complexion and your aura with a simple stress busting ritual that helps to restore tranquillity faster than you can say Retinol-A.
Who knew it was that easy to tap into the Fountain of Youth?