Spotlight on | Blue Kyanite
cleansing | meditation | patience
CHAKRA: third eye, throat
SIGNS: gemini, pisces
ELEMENT: wind, water
PLANET: mercury, Neptune
MINERAL FAMILY: aluminosilicate
CRYSTAL GROWTH HABIT: columnar, fibrous, bladed
COLOUR: light blue grey to blue
AFFIRMATION: “I receive and acknowledge all life lessons and forms of communication knowing they are for my highest good.”
BEST FOR: cleansing, resolving conflict, encourages rational thought, balances chakras
ORIGINS: Brazil, Nepal, Tibet, Cambodia, Africa, Australia
CRYSTAL COMPANIONS: for enhacing dreams – labradorite, for courage – garnet, for truthful communication - lapis lazuli, for angelic communication - angelite
The high vibration and rapid transfers of energy from Kyanite create pathways where none existed before. Like a universal bridge, Kyanite holds extraordinary powers of connection, opening the mind centres, telepathic and psychic abilities, bridging gaps in all communication efforts, and providing a link for transmitting or receiving healing energy.
Like joyful Citrine, Kyanite does not retain negative energy and never needs energetic cleansing. It can align and balance the chakras and remove energy blockages.
Sometimes called the “Tripping Stone”, Kyanite is a stone of channelling, altered states, vivid dreams and visualisations. Put Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds on your turntable and let Kyanite simultaneously protect you and take you someplace that sure as hell isn’t Kansas anymore…
The History of Kyanite
Named in 1789 by Abraham Werner, Kyanite is named for the Greek term cyanos (or "blue"), which this stone certainly is! Kyanite shows some of the most iconic blue shades found in nature, sometimes exhibiting intense or even multiple shades within a single crystal. The French spelling "cyanite" was common until the mid-20th century.
Recognising Kyanite
Kyanite has an almost fibrous appearance, especially as stones are often left rough to prevent stone loss during polishing.
Kyanite is strongly anisotropic, meaning it exhibits properties with different values when measured in different directions. It has a dual Mohs hardness depending on the angle the pressure comes from. Its vertical hardness ranges from 4.5 to 5, while its horizontal hardness ranges from 6 to 7.
What is Kyanite used for?
Kyanite packs a punch for sure. While its calming, grounding energy makes it the perfect wingman for balancing emotions and invoking meditative states, it can also help us connect to our intuitive abilities, recall dreams and open the third eye chakra.
Encouraging psychic abilities and communication on all levels, Kyanite carries a “light” energy that attracts light beings and is particularly useful in connecting to your spirit guides.
One of Kyanite’s most unique abilities is that it never retains negative vibrations or energy, so it never requires cleansing (perfect for those of us who struggle to wash the dishes even when we’ve literally run out of forks), it provides balance of yin-yang energy and dispels blockages, moving energy gently through the physical body.
Physically, Kyanite treats the urogenital system, adrenal glands and parathyroid glands. It aids in disorders of the throat, brain and muscular system. It helps to heal infections and lower blood pressure. Kyanite is a natural pain reliever.