Spotlight On | Selenite
Spotlight on Selenite
Cleansing White Selenite, Satin Spar, Maria Glass, Desert Rose… whatever you call it, Selenite is an essential weapon in any metaphysical wellness worker’s arsenal.
Like burning white sage or sprinkling salt, Selenite can cleanse your space of ugly vibes left behind after a nasty breakup, a death in the home, or even just bad juju left behind by shitty housemates who refused to help do the dishes. A Selenite crystal can also be used to cleanse the energy of your other stones. If you have a large Selenite block you can lay your other stones on top of the block overnight to recharge like an Ikea wireless phone charger.
The History of Selenite
Selenite crystals have been prized by humankind for thousands of years. Selenite was named after Selene the Greek goddess of the Moon, meaning literally the stone of the Moon. The name alludes to the pale moon-like reflection the stone can give off.
In ancient Greece, transparent Selenite was used as windowpanes (before the invention of glass panes). And in Roman antiquity, powdered Selenite was scattered on the ground of the Circus Maximus to create a glittering, sparkling effect during races. In the Middle-Ages, Selenite was discovered in abundance in Germany in the region of Gotha and was used again as substitute glass panes to protect pictures of the Virgin Mary.
In many ancient cultures, it was also believed that some transparent crystals – including Selenite – waxed and waned with the moon. Since the 15th century, the term “Selenite” has been used to describe the specific form of crystalised gypsum that occurs in crystalline masses or transparent crystals.
Recognising Selenite
Transparent to translucent with a glowing transparency, throughout history Selenite has been compared to liquid light. Although transparent and colourless, Selenite can be lightly coloured due to inclusions or impurities, causing it to display pretty pale pastel tones.
Selenite has a hardness of only 2 on the Mohs scale, meaning it is extremely soft and can be scratched by a fingernail.
What is Selenite used for?
On top of its hardcore cleansing powers, Selenite is also a stone of mental clarity. It can enhance mental flexibility as well as enabling stronger decision-making. Who hasn’t wished for stronger decision-making abilities when spending their entire night trying to decide which movie to watch on Netflix before going to bed and watching the same episode of Gilmore Girls you’ve fallen asleep to 157 times before?
Selenite is believed to be a highly protective stone that protects a person or place from all types of outside influences and intruders. Selenite is also known for its strong vibration and can be used to open, clear and energise the crown chakra, so it is an excellent tool for spiritual work of all kinds.
Though Selenite is named for the Moon, it is also a sweet angel stone. It is used for contacting and communication with angels for guidance and can also be used for finding and working with other spirit guides.
Physically, Selenite is used for improving spinal alignment and encourages flexibility. It is thought to protect against seizures and aid in the absorption of minerals and vitamins. Calcium, in particular, is more easily absorbed when in the presence of Selenite. It is also believed that this stone can reverse the effects of free radicals and heal the body on a cellular level. It is good for breastfeeding mothers, too, and can offset complications associated with mercury poisoning from dental work.
Oh, and it’s damn pretty.